T-minus 20 Days Left…

Where did the time go?! It feels like just yesterday Taylor and I were getting off the plane and stepping onto this newfound land. It’s a bittersweet feeling because at the end of this month we are leaving for Thailand. We will never forget the lifelong memories we have made here, but don’t worry, we’ll be back!

However, it isn’t the 27th of October quite yet! Honestly, Indonesia is my favorite countries we have been to thus far. There are so many unique islands, like Nusa Penida, Nusa Ceningan, Nusa Lembongan, and 18,107 others (according to Google)! I feel like I haven’t wrote enough about our experiences here, but I did take a lot of pictures. Feel free to check out my adventures behind the scenes in the Gallery tab!

Bahasa Lesson: Nusa is Indonesian for homeland:)

With 20 days left and counting until we leave, Taylor and I have decided to go out with a bang. Next weekend, we are flying to Komodo Island! Luckily for me, the flight is only an hour long, so I won’t need my Dramamine for this one. I’m so excited because we are staying on this vintage, old-timey boat for three days and sailing around the smaller islands of the main island. Now that I think about it, the boat kind of reminds me of smaller version of a boat from Pirates of the Caribbean (I’ll just show you a picture of what I mean). Also, did you know that the Komodo Island is the only place in the world where you can see komodo dragons?! I can’t wait to write about the experience in next week’s post… so stay tuned!

She’s no Black Pearl, but you get the gist!

On a more surprising note, the monsoon season is gradually starting. Apparently the island’s rainy season is November to March, but we have gotten some heavy, and I mean boatloads of rain this month. It’s not even the peaceful rain that you can fall asleep to, but more like a thunder-clapping, electrifying rainstorm. So not chill. I’ve never had a big fear of lightening, but that certainly changed this week. The weather has gone from sunny, 87° weather with a UV index of 11 to extra humid, semi-cloudy tropical rainstorms. Don’t get me wrong, it is still very warm and way better than snow, but it quite an adjustment. In fact, my allergies are flaring up due to this environmental weather mix-up (or I’m getting a cold lol)! I will admit, driving on the moped in heavy showers is shockingly fun. It’s like you’re constantly in the splash zone at a waterpark.

Anyhow, with the impending end of this chapter in Taylor and I’s life coming to a close, we keep imaging what it is going to be like in Thailand. Is the food going to be unbearably spicy? Are the locals going to be driving on the sidewalks like they do here? How is day to day life going to be, and most importantly, will we like it? Only time will tell. Good or bad, we will only be in Thailand for 30 days because that is the longest time our visas will last without getting a special one. See you soon Phuket!

After living here for the last four months, Taylor and I have realized two things: for people that live here, we definitely skew younger (not too many twenty-something- year-olds living full-time here) and we will definitely be building a villa here in the future. Bali is literally a gem, a diamond in the rough if you will. The people are so kind, the food is delicious, the weather is perfect (minus monsoon season), there is a ton of outdoorsy stuff to do, and it’s cheap to live here. I highly recommend to anyone that Bali is worth taking the time off and traveling across the seas for - I’m glad we did!


I’m Back… No Literally, I’m Back in Wisco


Ever Clubbed Someone in the Head?