Flight to DPS Excerpt…

Writing to you live from my flight back to Bali, I present to you my midday plane ride thoughts:

Plane rides are peculiar in the sense that you are stranded mid-air for an extended period of time, trapped in this flying machinery of metal. In my experience, you can do either one of two things -

  1. Have a full-blown panic attack due to acute claustrophobia, passing out from your prescribed Lorazepam.

  2. Use the allotted travel time to get lost in your thoughts (or just watch a movie on the plane, that works too lol).

Usually on planes, I am battling nauseous or anxiety or better yet, a combination of both. As much as I fly, you would think that plane rides are a piece of cake for me, but long story short, I am kind of terrified flying. However, today was a different flight than most. I didn’t need to pass out from one of my Lorazepams or even take a Dramamine pill. Today I just sat in my uncomfy Air Asia chair and listened to what my thoughts had to say. It was nice, peaceful almost. As the words of my conscious whispered faintly in my ear, I began to doze off, taking all my thoughts with me and turning them into dreams.

Sidenote: Everyone loves the feeling you get when your plane takes off. Is it the funny, yet ever so fleeting feeling you get in your stomach? Or is it the excitement of just knowing you’re getting the hell out of town? Whatever your reason, share it with me (only if you’re feeling up to it).

This might be my favorite pic from the trip.


We’ll Be Okay <3
