We’ll Be Okay <3

I had a very inconvenient thing happen to me today.  At first, being my dramatic self, I freaked out, followed by intermittent crying for about 45 minutes.  And it wasn't until after a friendly FaceTime call from a dear friend and a couple words of advice that I finally realized that this "unfortunate" turn of events, was actually a blessing in disguise.  The event reminded me that some major life events will not always go according to plan and that's okay.  What matters is that I accept it and move on, but most importantly, not let it stunt my personal growth.  Today I learned to make the most out of frustrating, stupid situations that may or may not be totally in my control.

Here's a reminder of an annoying, but true life lesson: if we don't have the unfortunate things happen to us in life, we wouldn't be able to differentiate the good from the bad.  The same also applies for plans throughout one's life.  If everything went seamlessly according to plan, then just imagine how boring and cookie-cutter would life be. The negative things that occur throughout my life serve as positive motivators.  The bad things in life remind me to be gracious for what I have, and that it can always be worse that it really is.  Everyone struggles in some way, whether that be money-wise, relationship-wise, health-wise, and the list can go on.  These struggles really do shape us into the people we are today, and I feel like we tend forget that it’s good to showcase and embrace our struggles just as much as the high-points in our lives. After all, we all go through it, so in a way, we’re all in this together…

[my thoughts exactly]

You could read this and think well yeah no shit Bailei, everything you just wrote is common sense.  However, if that’s what your train of thought is, I think you might be missing the point.  I’m no guru, I’m just a 22-year-old going through it and sharing my point of view on the things I learn. I write to you today as a reminder that not everything works out. You won't always get that ideal job that will solve all your financial heartaches.  You won't always get that one guy/girl who will fill that deep void within you.  You simply won't always thrive in life. Decision-making, growing up, and just living are not always what they are cracked up to be.  And it is all aye-okay, you will be just fine - I know I am.

This song sums it all up…


I’m Renaming Singapore to Snore-a-pour…


Flight to DPS Excerpt…