I’m Renaming Singapore to Snore-a-pour…

Disclaimer! I do not mean to offend anyone. This is just my opinion.

I just realized that I never wrote about Taylor and I’s trip to Singapore. Well I tell you what, despite what my Instagram might portray, it was kind of a boring time.

I don’t know about you, but I’m not a city girl. The more trips Taylor and I take, the more I learn what types of environments work for me.. and that is not a city. I enjoy places that have a city meets outdoorsy vibe, like Dubai. Yes, it is a city, but it’s a city with lots of outdoor activities (like jet-skiing around the Palm, going to beach clubs, skydiving, etc.). I think I may dislike Singapore more than I disliked New York. Background - I went on a surprise Valentine’s Day daytrip to NY and it was cold and not at all what it’s like in movies (BUT I’m sure I’d love it in the summer). Anyhow, Singapore is exactly like New York, but in the sense that both cities are nothing like the movies.

Now okay obviously nothing is identical to movies, TV shows, books, social, etc. but I really was expecting different from Singapore. After watching Crazy Rich Asians in 2018, I have been absolutely obsessed with this city - the expensive, glamourous lifestyle in a high-tech Asian society, surrounded by beautiful infrastructure and culture. It was high-tech for sure, I mean the first thing I saw when I stepped off the airplane was a robot named Sam. It had insane buildings and skyscrapers, and a skyline like you’d never seen before. It was very expensive for two broke post-grads who have been used to a Bali budget. But it just lacked the fantasized idea I had concocted in my head after all these years. It was honestly like an Asian New York, but with average food, not much to do, and horrible weather. At least New York has super yummy food and a ton to do.

The weather. Did you know Singapore rained 165 days out of the year and has not one, but two monsoon seasons? Unfortunately, Taylor and I were there during one of the monsoon seasons, and it wasn’t exactly ideal. It rained so much we had to buy two umbrellas from 7-Eleven for the week we were there. The rain definitely restricted Taylor and I’s already limited options of activities. The only things we could really do were walk in the rain to Gardens By the Bay, ride the subway to malls and different cities within the city, and of course drink (which we didn’t really do because shots were 6 for $60.. HAPPY HOUR)!

Okay, I’m done bashing this city. Here’s a positive: Singapore is super family-oriented. If it’s not raining, you can take your family down to Universal Studios or the beach.

I feel slightly guilty for writing in what might look like a negative fashion, but I promise, that was not my intention. I believe writing should speak your truth, your personal beliefs. My writing is me and my opinions. If you love Singapore and New York, then that’s great. I just had mediocre experiences in both cities. P.S. I am totally willing to give New York another shot, just maybe not in winter and hopefully I can visit my friends ;).

In conclusion, on a scale of 1-10, Singapore was a solid 6, weak 7 (which according to Taylor is pretty generous). If Taylor and I are ever there again in the future for a layover or some sort, I know we are only staying in the Jewel Changi airport and not going anywhere else. After all, what else is there?

I’m not the only one who feels this way, read for yourself… Is Singapore Boring? on Quora :)


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