Kinda Going Through A Lot…

This is my first blog post, like ~wow~! There is so much sh*t going on at the moment. Here is an organized bullet list to show you what I mean:

  • Just graduated (going through that awkward transition stage from college kid to full-on adult)

  • Remote jobs are hard to find (can someone please hire me)

  • Bali Bound!

Me and about 4,000,000 other people just graduated college. I don’t know about everyone else, but personally, I am struggling with this whole transition stage of life. Like, nobody prepares you for real life and you’re kinda just thrown in all young and hungry for success. Adulting is hard and full of responsibilities that are all on you now. It is a touch overwhelming, but whatever, life moves on….

So the second bullet point is related to the third (Bali). Due to the fact that my boyfriend and I are leaving the States and full-sending it to Bali, my job search must be completely remote. I am finding it so difficult to find a job that actually interests me enough to buckle down and make something out of myself. Maybe I am just being picky and slightly lazy..? Who knows.

Alright, so as of right now, Taylor and I are prepping for Bali. We bought two one-way tickets and leave for Canggu on June 23rd.. so twenty days away! There is still so much to do with planning, packing, and of course - travel logistics. Luckily, I think Covid restrictions with traveling aren’t as bad as they were a year ago. The thing is, I didn’t realize how much time and effort has to go into this trip. We will be gone for six months in Asia, come back to the States and leave for another six months and then keep repeating that until we want to settle down. Now, I’m getting ahead of myself, but this first six months is crucial because its like the test run, paving the path for future trips. One misstep could throw off the whole trip.

I feel slightly better writing this all out, casting my frustrations onto to my audience (lol). Anyhow, this blog is not always going to be sunshine and rainbows. Rhythm of Youth is real content with real stories that will not be sugar-coated. My writing is blunt, personal and most importantly, me.

Graduation Day with Nichole <3


Always Chasing Summer…